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Thanks for visiting the Infinity Campaign™ website! 

The code is hardly rocket-science and the message it represents is profoundly simple – yet it’s one of the most life-changing truths you could ever encounter.  We wanted to find a way to remind every human person that regardless of age, gender, race, religion, social status or sexual orientation, you are infinitely loved by God.

This means that your value as a person is not determined by your actions but by the unconditional love God has for you.  As Christians, we believe that life consists of many choices including a range of objective right and wrong moral choices, but your success in navigating these choices is not at the core of your value as a person.

You are more than the sum of your failures and weaknesses.  You are the sum of God’s love for you.

To find out more &/or to help us spread this message in an effective and respectful way, follow the links below…